Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trying to keep it real ... and how hard it can be.

This post is a kind of ramble jumble of thought.

This is the first time in almost 8 years that I have been in my home, alone, with no kiddos to take care of!  Yes I miss them, but what I love is that I have a day full of that quite time that my brain needs to get organized!  And not only am I finally able to think clearly, and think ahead farther than 2 hours, I can be creative again!

I have been knitting and beading my head off.  My poor Etsy shop languished for MONTHS while we muddled through our crazy days, but I am so happy to announce that it is up and running again!  Check out the side tab to see what is new!  Yarn pots are coming soon!

One project in particular, is a beaded lace lampshade I am making for my LYS owner.  I am making it out of Crimson Cascade, Kid Seta Noir,  Right now, I only have 2 rows done, but I am liking the new cast on I tried out on this.  It is called the Frilled Cast On.  LOVE IT.

In the midst of all of this crafting fervor, I decided that it would not be a bad thing if I treated myself to a pair of shoes I had had my eye on for over a year.  I had been patiently waiting for them to go on sale, and lo-and behold, I came across them on major sale, online.  So I bought them.  Imagine my surprise when about 1.5 weeks later THIS arrived in the mail

A kitchen sponge, air mailed from China.  I was perplexed at first, and then I googled the Chinese address on the package, Xiaoya Yang, Xixiang Jiedao, Zhongwu Zonghedalo u4, Shenzhen Guangdong, China. Do NOT buy from SHOP-CORA Shoes. and came across a bunch of other people complaining that after making a purchase at Shop-Cora, and some other named on-line shops.  IT IS A SCAM!  I ham disputing this charge now through Paypal and I have filed a complaint to get my money back.   I have since purchased my shoes again, but with a RELIABLE online source.  

Now for a little grumbling.

Lately I have been dismayed with how far we have gotten away from "The Real".  "The Real" I refer to, are the simple discomforts of life.

for example:

When it is summer, it is hot outside ... get over it.
When it is winter, it is cold outside ... get over it.

I am sounding really judge-y here, and I really dont mean to come off this way, but I cannot tell you how my hackles rise when I hear someone complaining about how MISERABLE a cold is making them, or how their big toe just hurts soooo much ...(I think I have been watching too much Keeping up with the Kardashians) perhaps it is unfair of me, but after going through chemo and radiation, i have a WHOLE NEW PERSPECTIVE of what feeling bad, and feeling hopeless really is.

Ever since looking the grim reaper .in.the.face. I decided to start living more through intention, and less through habit.  bad habits, i believe, set up bad cycles in our lives, and within our bodies.  I believe that those bad cycles reach way out, beyond our bodies, into the world around us (garbage in garbage out); and also, at the same time, they reach far inside our bodies, all the way down to a cellular level (you are what you eat).

I am tired of hearing "oh how GOOD you are being" when I opt to pack my lunch, rather than imbibe on a Fast Food item.  They see it as "being kind of weird about fast food", I see it as the ONLY path to my own personal wellness, and the ONLY way to keep from repeating what I went through in 2009.

I listen to people complain about wanting to eat healthier, and how  they "always have a refrigerator full of fruits and veggies go bad because it is so hard, and takes too long to cut them...".  These same people whine and complain about being unhealthy and overweight, and get when given a choice between a bowl of fresh grapes, and a plate of box-mix cupcakes, they will dive in to the cup cakes, one after the other, and complain between bites how they "really should not be doing this...".

Take control of your OWN life, and you will be shaping the future of what you want for your self.

We have always tried hard to offer our kids healthy alternatives to junk food, and I love how my kids will gladly eat a container of fruits and veggies when it is offered to them.  Of course, they will choose a box of cheezits over anything, but that is where being mom comes in :-).

Scams, and grumbling aside, it has been a wonderful summer, and the fall is turning out to be gorgeous!