Okay, my first thought on the Revolution English Breakfast tea was "Do I need to leave the bag in longer?". Yeah, IMO, it is kind of weak. Personally I like my EBT to be fuller, thicker, and slightly sweet tasting. I ended up adding quite a bit of sugar to this Revolution EBT to give it taste. I think that I will be sticking to my Twinnings EBT until I find something better. Now, the one variation that might need to be tried is with milk. I don't usually add milk to my tea, so this might be something that would bring out other flavors of the Revolution EBT that would otherwise be missed by the "straight up" drinker. Nonetheless, the way I enjoy tea, did not bring out the positive quality of this tea. Therefore, my socks were not knocked off. Socks still on and thank goodness because it is WAY COLD outside.
Stash Peach - yum! I liked it quite a bit more than the Revolution Ginger Peach. The peach flavor is stronger (yet not unpleasantly strong), and the body of the black tea is fuller and more substantial than the Evolution Ginger Peach. Once again, I feel that the Evolution Tea was a bit weak in the taste department.
It is 2 degrees (F) outside, -11 with the wind chill. I feel as though I will be consuming a lot of tea this weekend. :)