We took a drive tonight, to go around "lights lookin'". The boys LOVED it. Big C just gasped, and sat wide eyed in his seat. Little M seemed uninterested until i removed his hood which was shielding his eyes. He gazed out the window and his eyes went large. He looked at me for reassurance for this beauty that he was seeing, and when I said "look honey, look at the pretty lights" he squealed and laughed with such pure joy that it brought tears to my eyes. His reaction was SO pure, SO beautiful; such astounding expressiveness for a baby of only 9 months.
Everyone is in bed now, the toys are all arranged with care. I got my mom to go to bed and to stop tidying up the room and folding bags, and moving furniture, and wrapping gifts in the living room RIGHT OUTSIDE OF THE BOYS ROOM, and banging around and making SO.MUCH.F'ing.NOISE.
I am not a super duper religious person, but the feeling I had tonight was unearthly.Godly if you will.