Something to show for it....
I'd like to say that all of the days that we were trapped inside resulted in my finishing a bunch of knitterly projects ... but not so. I am not saying that I didn't do anything, but a knittin' machine, I was not. I DO have at least ONE FO to show for all of the "snow days" though. The Noro striped scarf is done! I loved this project! Something so simple yielding something so beautiful and seemingly complex. AND USEFUL! How can you beat that?
2 balls #249 (main background color)
1 ball #246
1 ball #245
knitted on 7s
Just a few ounces left over.
It has been really hard to get started on my new projects due to the holiday rush going on around here. Because of the oh so beautiful weather we have had the past few weekends (ice storms every weekend) and then a snow storm last weekend we have not been able to get our Christmas tree. We finally got one last weekend, and I just now, as in within the past hour, got it decorated. Tomorrow, the rest of the house. It is the littlest boy's first Christmas, so I want to have everything all pretty for him. As I was getting all of the decorations out tonight I discovered (GASP) we don't have a stocking to hang for him! I KNOW that he is too young to care, but still! I wish I were able to whip one up real quick, but it just ain't gonna happen. All i can wish is that when my mom comes and sees that baby boy has no stocking, maybe she will spoil him with one (wink wink).
On top of all of the Christmas Chaos, the One And Only Wonder Boy is sending us a shipment of fresh King Crab from none other, Unalaska, Alaska. He was there doing his USCG stuff. Well, it was supposed to arrive today BUT I think Young Nasty Man intercepted our crab. It is safe to say that I am crabby, because I had no crab for dinner. Here I was thinking that I was getting out of making dinner because "we had crab coming!". How wrong I was! I was so sad. We ended up getting carry out because I refused to cook anything other than crab tonight:(. All I know is that I better see my box-o-crab waltzin' up the driveway tomorrow morning, or else I am going to go on strike, and my family will not get a hot cooked meal till the crab arrives. I don't think i have ever typed "crab" so many times in one place before.
I might not have received my crab, but I did get this! My Noro sock yarn!
I cannot wait to sink my fingers into these! Oh do I have plans! The Noro striped scarf has really got me thinking about a challenge. More on this later once I have wrapped my brain around what I actually want to do.
Despite all of the hectic-ness, I love this time of year. Something about the magic of the lights, and the calming of the snow, makes everything so shockingly beautiful. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.