As I turned my head to address the 300th utterance of "can I have grrrrnola baaaaaar?" from my young son, I saw my favorite Blogstress on the TV screen! ANYWAY, I scrambled to turn up the volume. I was so excited to hear what she had to say to these Morning "news" Show folks. But OH MY GOD the train wreck that ensued after KLG opened her mouth! At the end of the interview, I yelled "WTF happened there?" and I scrambled to leave her a comment (Comments were closed - DAMN!). Ever since becoming a SAHMF'er (the MF'er part I learned from her, waaay back when) I have watched more than my fair share of That Show, and let me tell you, it has basically turned into a very pretty, yet putrified television swap meet. They get the products (or interviewees) set up all perfect and nice ... then the gun shot ... aaand they are off!
HOST: "Today, on This Show we are talking about things that are good for you but can also be bad for you at the same time, and we have Todd here with us to tell us about them."
--professional looking Todd waves politely to the camera
"So Todd tell us about this report I read that states that a person can actually DIE from eating too much fiber..."
TODD: "Well, that report came out 3 years ago and.."
HOST: "So you are saying that people who ate fiber 3 years ago could be dead or dying right now, as we speak? Really? (info-graphic at the bottom of the screen changes from “Fiber? Saint or Satan?” to read “You could be dying right now and not even know it!”). So who should those people contact if they find themselves, or even worse, if they find that their loved ones are dead or dying?"
--Todd, stammering, looking confused, and wide eyed, looks at the neat little table of fiber containing foods and struggles to block the memory of the host winking at him backstage, and tries to regain his thoughts...
TODD: "Well, as i was saying, the data show that the consumption of fiber does not necessarily lead to death, but..."
HOST: "So you are saying that if you buy organic fruits and vegetables, that is better for you? What if you drink fiber supplement drinks out of containers made of Number 5 plastic, instead of the Number 7 plastic, then are you going to live longer?" (insert a spazed out graphic and 5 second film clip of people exercising to Weird All Yankovic's "Eat It".
HOST: “WOW! Fascinating! Thank you for clearing this confusing topic up for us Todd! And on to a more somber note, in the next segment KLG and H will be will be discussing Quantum Theory Mechanics with Stephen Hawking...".
I wish she would have gotten to say more about what she does, and the positive effects her blogging has had on so many people. But positive, and coherent thinking have no good place on Morning News Shows, now do they? Oh well, at least she got to see the Green Room.