I got so mad at the tv weather dude this morning (I have not had my caffiene yet so I had to take the morning out on someone) and he was standing there in front of the radar screen saying "well as you can see there are some small heavy rain bands coming into the area.." as he dismissively points at a few fading green splotches on the screen between Skeinsville and Cowtown. Then he is acts all nonchalant as he start backing out of the screen to allow the 7 day forecast picture to pop up ... and as he backs up, his fat ass moves out of the way and uncovers a SOUTHERN FLATLANDIA- AND MISSOURI-SIZED ORANGE AND YELLOW REGION ON THE RADAR.... now, WTF is THAT? Isn't THAT something to be concerned about? Could he not see it because his FAT ASS WAS IN THE WAY? Shouldn't we have been told about that seething area of nastiness? I could give a crap about the sprinkles that are on their way, I want to know about the BIG STUFF that is likely to hit while I am wrangling the kids into, or out of the daily WalMart, Target, Meijer, shopping circuit. They are willing to tell us exactly how much rain they think we are going to get 7 days out, but when Armageddon is rolling up the prairie at us, they don't see it as something important?