Friday, September 28, 2007

Day After Day...

I was driving out to a play group the other morning
and I suddenly could not remember where I was supposed to be going.
This brain fart is brought to you by ... The Violent Femmes.
I think that I am going to blame this particular seize-up on the fact that I was singing along with
The Violent Femmes "Day After Day"...
I was having one of those being-in-college flashbacks
to how every Friday night, our first year, we would have an upperclassmen go buy us beer,
(OR the Sun Country or California Coolers in Peach or mixed berry)
and listen to our V. Femmes tape.
By the time the tape got to the song "Day After Day" we were WELL on our way to getting soused ...
Don't worry, be happy...
And then, we all would go out and party at Delt.

Later on in our second and third year we would
have an upperclassmen go buy us beer.
We'd break out the "Grease" tape only after we had finished the beers
and were starting in on the vodka lemon shots ...
Hey SBGH's, these are for you--
"DO me Baby" - BilBivDevoe and "I wanna sex U up" - COlor Me Badd
THEN we all would go out and party at Delt.

Our forth, and last year, we were older, and so much more sophisticated.
We could buy our own booze.
We changed up the routine a bit by filling up our "Use, reuse, recycle" cups with a few shots of Vodka and took them down to the cafeteria with us.
Then we would fill the cups with orange juice at the juice machine.
We'd merrily eat dinner, drink screwdrivers, and then go back to the room to play Roxanne, Red Light ...
Roooooxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight!
THEN we would break out the grease tape and drink Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.
THEN we all would go out and party at Delt, and maaaaybe SAE.
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!"

Only later in my Graduate Career did we discover Boone's Farm Sangria --
we kept a bottle of it "at the ready" in our freezer for special occasions like
"Hey, I passed my dissertation proposal! " or
"Hey, I got my NSF funding for the summer field season!" and the best one
"Hey! I got the Fulbright Scholarship!
waaahooo, let's break out the BOONE'S!
Only the best.

yeah - so that is where my mind was when I suddenly "woke up" on a freeway in central Flatlandia, in a mini van, with two wonderful, chattering, squeaking babies ... and a bag full of a half knitted MS3 stole.

Funny how priorities, and definitions of fun, change.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We are back up and running, for now.

Just so you know I have not been ignoring you.
I have been trying to wade through, and catchup up with hundreds of e-mails sent to me over the past month+ that we had no computer, and no washing machine. August was a bad month for anything electronic in our home.
Yup, we blew yet another motherboard. Long story short, the computer people fixed it for free yet again
(we were one week out of motherboard #2's warranty expiration) but they refused to fix he problem that was CAUSING the mother
f'ing boards to blow (!?!?!?). We got the craputer back, and took it to our own place here in town to get the power supply fixed. Now it is fixed, and now I am trying to catch up with the world.... oh, and the diagnoses with the washing machine? The fixit man said (and I quote) "ain't ever seen THAT happen before...".

Amidst those problems I had and unfortunate encounter of a food borne kind ... because I live in Flatlandia, the grocery store here in town that is NOT a Wal-Mart, decides that it is going to start ridding itself of diverse grocery products, and opting for the "highest payer for shelf space" products. This means that variety is now being replaced by products all from the same manufacturer/s. Where am I going with this? Well, let me tell you. A year ago they got rid of my favorite bread of all time Natural Ovens Bakery cinnamon raisin bread ... so we opted for the next best thing, "not-a-lot-of-crap-in-it" Roman Meal. I will be damned if now, the Roman Meal has disappeared from the shelves, and in it's shelf space was this new bread -- a new bread called "soft 'n' smooth". A bread with the name of a toilet paper should have tipped me off... it should have been a warning. ANYWAY, got said bread home, got half way through the loaf, and lo' and behold, this is what I found in my "soft 'n' smooth" the other morning...

niiiiiice, huh?

I think that this slice had more than only 2g of fiber, eh? OMG! Like, what the hell? You can see wings, and I swear that is the big old head....(shivers going up my spine).
Holy crap! I was this close [] to eating that! I was sticking this slice into the toaster and just happened to catch a glance of something funny on the bottom of the slice ... I called the Bread Company, and we are now sitting on a fist full of "get it for free" coupons.

And now a cute kid picture.

Friday, September 21, 2007