Friday, January 16, 2009

LSG test

The thing that is so funny about this post is that I used this space as a temporary holding place for some pics I was going to upload to the LSG Ravelry group I belong to. Long story about what the pictures were actually for (cough cough, looking the other way like I am trying to distract you onto some other topic). Well, I never was able to get the pics uploaded, and so here they sat, all that time...

I find it funny that I have had NO TIME to post anything at all, but in that void, there are these pics...

I will say this

1) I have good reasons for being so busy
--hubby has been out of town a lot on work (doing a lot of the single parenting thing)
--Cookie A. Riannon Socks
2) Etsy

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel .. .but for now, I leave you with these images, warm enough to warm your coldest winter nights.

oh yes.
very warm thoughts.